Imprint and Legal Notice

Provider Entity:
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH
Porscheplatz 1
D-70435 Stuttgart

Phone: +387 70 311045

Register court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart (Local court)
Commercial register number: HRB 730595
VAT identification number: 131905001339
Share capital: EUR 100,000

Represented by the management:
Dirk Philipp

Consumer information pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, available here

Consumer information pursuant to the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH is not willing nor required by law to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

**Entitet Provajdera:** Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH Porscheplatz 1 70435 Stuttgart Njemačka

Telefon: +387 70 311045

Registarski sud: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Broj privrednog registra: HRB 730595
PDV identifikacioni broj: 131905001339
Dionički kapital: EUR 100,000

Zastupljeni od strane generalnih direktora:
Dirk Philipp

Informacije za potrošače u skladu sa Uredbom (EU) br. 524/2013
Evropska komisija pruža platformu za rješavanje sporova na mreži, dostupnu ovdje

Informacije potrošačima u skladu s njemačkim Zakonom o rješavanju potrošačkih sporova
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH nije voljan niti je po zakonu obavezan da učestvuje u postupcima rješavanja sporova pred arbitražnim odborom potrošača.