Imprint and Legal Notice

Provider entity: 
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH 
Porscheplatz 1 
70435 Stuttgart 
Phone: (+387) 70 311045 
Register court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart (Local court) 
Commercial register number: HRB-No. 730595  
Tax ID: 131905001339 
Share Capital: EUR 100.000 
Represented by the management: 
Arthur Willmann, Kevin Giek & Volker Strotmeier 
Consumer information pursuant to Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform, available here
Consumer information pursuant to the German Consumer Dispute Resolution Act 
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH is not willing nor required by law to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. 
The texts, images, graphics, animations, video and audio files as well as all other contents on this website are subject to the legal provisions of copyright law and, where applicable, other intellectual property rights. The proprietary content of this website may not be duplicated, distributed, reproduced, made publicly accessible or otherwise used without the prior consent of the right holder.

Entitet Provajdera:
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH
Porscheplatz 1
70435 Stuttgart

Telefon: +387 70 311045

Registarski sud: Amtsgericht Stuttgart
Broj privrednog registra: HRB 730595
PDV identifikacioni broj: 131905001339
Dionički kapital: EUR 100,000

Zastupljeni od strane generalnih direktora:
Arthur Willmann, Kevin Giek & Volker Strotmeier

Informacije za potrošače u skladu sa Uredbom (EU) br. 524/2013
Evropska komisija pruža platformu za rješavanje sporova na mreži, dostupnu ovdje

Informacije potrošačima u skladu s njemačkim Zakonom o rješavanju potrošačkih sporova
Porsche Sales & Marketplace GmbH nije voljan niti je po zakonu obavezan da učestvuje u postupcima rješavanja sporova pred arbitražnim odborom potrošača.